Issue 4
Children of India… When one sighs, other pulsates!!

I hope, I want; I wish, I will; I may, I can… confused?? These are the two types of personalities found in India. Sons of same mother having two contrasting personalities. Citizens of same country having two complete opposite perspective.

India is a traditional country popular for its values and customs. As a country when we enjoy the vivid diversity of India as its citizen, what do we have to give back? What as the children of this largest democracy, do we gift her back? Because of her fraidy-cats, she always looks down with shame and wheeze in pain about fissure between her two children. When one child tries to get out of all hurdles with constant fight against all odds, other child still in hesitation doubts if to come out or stay in as an under developed embryo!

One child cries and laughs, express its feeling loud whereas the other child in subtle voice breaks its head to decide will it be etiquette to express?

One Indian though falls, gets bruise still cannot stop its zest to stand on its feet while other even before knowing how it feels after a fall give up even before trying.

One Indian sets back its targets timid to work, while other keeps it high to run for it and feel the fervor of passion.

One child silently follows the crowd and falls in the same pit as others or is mould into photocopies in millions, but the other child leads to pave its way and turns to be a limited edition.

One Indian tries to find wrong in every right and other Indian renovates every wrong to right.

One child keeps questioning its ability while other questions the capacity of others to keep in pace with it.

One Indian keep abusing the foreign growth but other achieve higher to make foreign countries feel envious.

One Indian spreads its little wings and jumps to the ravines with a desire and undeterredwill to fly high whereas other India with well-equipped potentials lean back with fear of self.

One Indian's will for success seem to be much advanced than its distress. For them it is just I will, I should and I have to; it is for my mother India…. Other drops tears without any effort and ends it simply with a statement, sorry it is impossible!

Today the history has taken a turn; more of Mother India's Children are turning to be the pilasters, the optimists from the skeptics. Let us cremate the skeptics and from its ashes lets unleash a free, dynamic, pulsating eternal bird that will live up to all the adjectives being showered on our mother, on our country by the world.

Jai Hind!

Article By: Haritha.E. Ranjabhooshan

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